Thursday, March 22, 2012

Under the Influence

List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.

Ten is a lot. I'm having a hard time thinking of one. So I guess we will see how many I can cone up with.

1. Jennifer, my best friend. Friends can always influence you, for good or bad. Lucky for me she is the good kind of influence.

2. Kay, used to be my boss. She was also considered my "other mother". She taught me a lot and was a perfect example that you can handle anything.

3. Mrs. Bakke, my first grade teacher. She made me want to be a teacher and taught me to love learning.

4. Mrs. Whithy, my sixth grade teacher. Helped me see the best in myself and made me want to teach even more.

5. TV moms. No one in specific but I admire the moms with 5 or more kids who have happy lives and happy kids.

6. My mom. She has inspired just about everything in my life. From how I want to be a mom to doing wedding flowers. My mom is always there for me.

7. My mother-in-law. Working with her I have learned a lot about my husbands family and the trials she has over come along with all of her accomplishments. She is a wonderful woman and I'm lucky to have her as a mother-in-law.

8. Kyler. He inspires me to be a better mom everyday.

9. And now I realize somehow I changed to the word inspires half way through. Oh, well, they are almost the same. However, that is all I can think of so there we go, haha.

1 comment:

  1. Mwah ha ha ha.

    Jk. I'm honored to make the list; you have done the same for me!
